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Noel Gallagher Sunglasses

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Noel Gallagher Sunglasses

Noel Gallagher’s choice of eyewear perfectly complements his signature 1960s mod fashion sense. As a prominent member of Oasis, his distinctive style is greatly enhanced by his carefully selected sunglasses.

Noel’s sunglasses range from classic aviators to contemporary and trendy frames. He often opts for larger frames that provide ample coverage while delivering a bold and confident look.

For his prescription glasses, Noel prefers round or square frames that maintain a classic and understated style, yet still retain a retro feel. He has been seen sporting these timeless designs on numerous occasions, further cementing his reputation as a style icon.

Noel's signature fashion items include his trademark parka coat, often paired with a scarf and sunglasses. His style reflects various elements of rock and roll, mod fashion, and the Manchester music scene, where Oasis originated. He frequently dons high-end brands such as Stone Island, Saint Laurent, Burberry, and Paul Smith.

One of Noel's most popular styles is Oliver Peoples Lachman Sun OV5419SU 1005/P2 Polarised.

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