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Blue Light Protection

Defending Your Eyes with Blue Light Glasses and Blue Control Lenses

In our increasingly digital age, our eyes are subjected to more screen time than ever before.

Whether it's staring at computers, smartphones, or tablets, the prevalence of digital devices has raised concerns about the potential harm caused by blue light emitted from these screens. As a result, the demand for effective eye protection has led to the rise of innovative solutions, namely blue light glasses and blue control lenses.


What is Blue Light Protection?

Blue light, a high-energy visible (HEV) light, is part of the visible light spectrum that is emitted by the sun and digital devices. While natural exposure to blue light during daylight hours can be beneficial for regulating our sleep-wake cycle and boosting mood, excessive exposure, especially during the evening, has been linked to digital eye strain, disrupted sleep patterns, and potential long-term eye health issues. Blue light protection for eyewear aims to mitigate these concerns by reducing the amount of harmful blue light that reaches the eyes.

How Does Blue Light Protection Work?

Blue light protection is achieved through specialized lenses that are designed to filter out or block a portion of the harmful blue light spectrum.

These lenses use advanced coatings that target the specific wavelengths of blue light most likely to cause discomfort and potential harm. Blue light glasses and blue control lenses are two popular options that offer varying levels of blue light filtering:

1. Blue Light Glasses: Blue light glasses are designed to be worn during screen time or in environments with high blue light exposure. These glasses are equipped with lenses that contain special coatings to selectively filter out a significant portion of the harmful blue light spectrum while allowing other wavelengths to pass through. This selective filtering helps reduce digital eye strain, prevent sleep disruption, and safeguard overall eye health.

2. Blue Control Lenses: Blue control lenses take the concept of blue light protection a step further. These lenses are integrated with advanced technology that not only filters out harmful blue light but also optimizes the balance between blue light and other visible light. This means that while they reduce the negative effects of blue light, they also ensure that the eyes receive the beneficial aspects of natural light. Blue control lenses are ideal for those who want comprehensive protection without compromising visual clarity and comfort. 

Is Blue Light a Myth?

While there might be varying opinions on the effects of blue light, scientific research suggests that prolonged exposure to blue light from digital devices can indeed have an impact on our eyes and overall well-being.

Blue light, especially from screens, emits high-energy visible (HEV) light that can contribute to digital eye strain and disrupt sleep patterns. Numerous studies have shown a correlation between excessive screen time and symptoms like dry eyes, headaches, and difficulty falling asleep.

Manufacturers, eyecare professionals, and researchers have recognized these concerns, leading to the development of blue light glasses and lenses that are specifically designed to filter out a portion of harmful blue light. These products aim to alleviate the potential discomfort and address the challenges associated with modern screen usage.

While the debate on the severity of blue light's impact continues, it's always a good idea to take a proactive approach to protect our eyes and overall health. Incorporating habits like reducing screen time before bedtime and considering blue light protection can contribute to better eye comfort and well-being.

Why Choose Blue Light Protection for Eyewear?

The decision to incorporate blue light protection into eyewear is rooted in the desire to prioritize eye health and overall well-being in today's digital landscape. Here are some compelling reasons why people are opting for blue light glasses and blue control lenses:

1. Digital Eye Strain Relief: Prolonged exposure to digital screens can lead to digital eye strain, characterized by symptoms like dry eyes, blurred vision, and headaches. Blue light glasses and lenses can alleviate these discomforts by reducing the intensity of blue light that reaches the eyes.

2. Sleep Enhancement: Exposure to blue light, especially during the evening hours, can interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. By wearing blue light protection eyewear, individuals can minimize blue light's impact on their sleep patterns, leading to improved sleep quality.

3. Long-term Eye Health: Cumulative exposure to excessive blue light has been associated with potential retinal damage and an increased risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Incorporating blue light protection into eyewear can help mitigate these risks and contribute to long-term eye health.

4. Productivity and Comfort: Wearing blue light glasses or blue control lenses can enhance comfort during extended screen sessions, resulting in improved focus and productivity. Reduced eye strain allows individuals to work or engage with digital devices for longer periods without discomfort.

5. Prevention of Digital Age-related Eye Issues: As our reliance on digital devices continues to grow, so does the risk of developing digital-age-related eye problems. Blue light protection offers a proactive approach to maintaining eye health in the face of constant digital exposure.

In conclusion, blue light protection for eyewear has emerged as a vital solution for counteracting the potential negative effects of excessive screen time. Blue light glasses and blue control lenses effectively filter out or regulate blue light exposure, providing relief from digital eye strain, promoting better sleep patterns, and safeguarding long-term eye health.

The increasing adoption of these innovative technologies highlights a growing awareness of the importance of maintaining eye wellness in our tech-driven world. To experience the benefits of blue light protection, consider incorporating blue light glasses or blue control lenses into your eyewear collection and prioritize your eye health in the digital age.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are blue light glasses?

Blue light glasses, also called computer glasses, are eyewear designed to protect your eyes from the harmful effects of blue light emitted by screens and indoor lighting. They have special lenses that filter out blue light, reducing eye strain and discomfort. These glasses can also improve sleep quality by minimising distruptions to your sleep cycle caused by blue light exposure. Additionally, they offer some defense against potential risks to long-term eye health, like age-related macular degeneration. Wearing blue light glasses is a smart way to safeguard your eyes into our digital age.

How do blue light glasses work?

Blue light glasses work by featuring specialized lens coatings that filter out or block a portion of harmful blue light while allowing other visible light to pass through. This helps alleviate eye strain, discomfort, and sleep disturbances caused by prolonged screen exposure. By absorbing and redirecting blue ight, these glasses provide a practical solution to promote eye comfort and overall well-being in today's technology driven world.

What is the purpose of blue light glasses?

The purpose of blue light glasses is to reduce digital eye strain, improve sleep quality, and prevent potential long-term eye health issues caused by excessive blue light exposure. By serving as a shield against excessive blue light, these glasses contribute to enhanced eye comfort, better sleep patterns, and overall eye health.

Where does blue light come from?

Blue light is a part of the visible light spectrum and is emitted by various sources, including the sun, digital screens (such as computers, smartphones, and TVs), fluorescent and LED lighting, and even some energy-efficient light bulbs. While natural sunlight is a natural emitter of blue light, modern electronic devices and energy-efficient lighting also emit significant amounts of blue light. Prolonged exposure to these sources, especially during evening hours, has led to increased concern about potential eye strain, disrupted sleep patterns, and other health effects.

Why Is blue light bad?

While blue light from the sun is natural and necessary for regulating our sleep-wake cycle and boosting mood, excessive exposure to blue light from digital screens can lead to digital eye strain, disrupted sleep patterns, and potential long-term eye health issues. Blue light is considered potentially harmful due to its ability to penetrate deep into the eye, reaching the retina. Prolonged exposure can lead to digital eye strain, discomfort, and fatigue. Moreover, excessive blue light exposure, especially during evening hours, can disrupt the production of melatonin, a hormone essential for regulating sleep, potentially leading to sleep disturbances. Blue light glasses help mitigate these effects by reducing the intensity of harmful blue light reaching the eyes.

When should I wear blue light glasses?

It's beneficial to wear blue light glasses whenever you engage with digital screens, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets, especially during the evening. Consider wearing them during daytime and evening hours to minimize the impact of blue light on your eyes and sleep patterns. They are particularly useful in the hours leading up to bedtime, as blue light from screens can interfere with your body's natural production of melatonin and impact sleep quality. By wearing blue light glasses in these situations, you can help protect your eyes and promote better sleep patterns.

Do blue light glasses work?

Yes, blue light glasses are effective in reducing the intensity of blue light that reaches your eyes, which can help alleviate eye strain and minimize potential sleep disruptions. They feature specialised lenses that are designed to filter out or block a portion of the blue light spectrum. While individual experiences may vary, majority of wearers find that incorporating blue light glasses into their routine can result in improved eye comfort and overall well-being in our technology-driven world.

Can blue light glasses improve sleep?

Yes, by reducing blue light exposure in the evening, blue light glasses can help regulate melatonin production and improve sleep quality.

Are blue light glasses only for computer use?

No, blue light glasses are useful for various digital devices like computers, smartphones, tablets, and even artificial lighting sources.

Are blue light glasses prescription-only?

No, blue light glasses are available in both prescription and non-prescription options, allowing everyone to benefit from their protective features.

You can select 'Blue Blocker / Fashion Accessory' on product page while checking out and select 'Blue Max' with no prescription required. Or, you can select to shop 'frame only' for any products that mention 'Blue Control' in the title such as Tom Ford who offer a wide range of blue control glasses.

What are blue control lenses?

Blue control lenses, also known as blue light filtering lenses or blue light blocking lenses, are specialized lenses that not only filter out harmful blue light but also optimize the balance between blue and other visible light for enhanced eye comfort. These lenses have gained popularity as a solution to the challenges posed by our increased reliance on digital devices in today's technology-centric world.

Are blue control lenses different from regular lenses?

Yes, blue control lenses have specific coatings designed to address blue light concerns, making them distinct from regular lenses.

Can blue light glasses prevent age-related eye issues?

While they can't guarantee prevention, blue light glasses may help reduce the risk of age-related eye problems by minimizing exposure to damaging blue light.

Which blue light lenses block the most?

Blue light lenses with advanced coatings, such as blue control lenses or specialized blue light coatings like Essilor's Crizal Prevencia & ZEISS' BlueGuard, tend to block a significant portion of harmful blue-violet light. These lenses are designed to provide effective protection against digital eye strain and potential sleep disruption.

Are there benefits of using blue light glasses for kids?

Yes, blue light glasses can be beneficial for children as they spend more time on digital devices. These glasses can help protect their developing eyes from potential harm.

However, please be mindful, supply of prescription glasses to those under 16 is not possible online due to regulation set by The General Optical Council [39.11 Statutory Regulation]. This regulation states that the dispensing of prescription glasses by an unqualified person is not permitted by law to dispense to children under 16 and patients who are registered as severely visually impaired or visually impaired (blind or partially sighted).

However, you may purchase the 'frame only option' and have varifocal lenses fitted in person by a registered optician in their practice.
Sales of spectacles to those under sixteen or with serious visual impairment can only be made by, or under, the supervision of a registered practitioner.

Are there any side effects of wearing blue light glasses?

There are typically no negative side effects associated with wearing blue light glasses. They are designed to provide comfort and protection during screen time.

Can I wear blue light glasses while driving?

Yes, blue light glasses can be worn while driving, especially during daytime hours when blue light from the sun is present.

How do I choose the right pair of blue light glasses?

When choosing blue light glasses, consider factors like lens quality, style, and fit. You can also contact us to consult with our team for personalized recommendations.

Can I use blue light glasses alongside my prescription eyewear?

Absolutely. Blue light protection can be added to prescription lenses, allowing you to enjoy both vision correction and blue light filtering simultaneously.
You can add 'Anti Reflection + Blue Max' when checking out with TruOptics lenses, 'Crizal Prevencia' with Essilor or 'Duravision Platinum ith Blue Guard' from ZEISS.

Are blue light glasses bad for your eyes?

No, blue light glasses are not inherently bad for your eyes. In fact, they are designed to protect your eyes by filtering out harmful blue-violet light from digital screens and artificial lighting. They help reduce the risk of digital eye strain and potential sleep disruptions. It is important to ensure that you're using high-quality blue light glasses that are designed to effectively filter out blue light without causing distortion or other issues. Consulting with an eye care professional can help you choose the right blue light glasses to support your eye comfort and overall well-being.

Can blue light glasses cause headaches?

Blue light glasses are intended to alleviate headaches by reducing eye strain caused by digital devices. However, if you experience headaches while wearing blue light glasses, it might be due to other factors. Speak to our team, or consult with a local optometrist to determine the cause.

Do blue light glasses affect colour perception?

No, high-quality blue light glasses are designed to filter out blue-violet light without significantly altering colour perception. They prioritize preserving the natural colour spectrum while providing protection against harmful blue light.

Can blue light glasses replace prescription glasses?

Blue light glasses can be worn alone for their protective benefits, but they are not a replacement for prescription glasses if you have refractive vision issues. However, many blue light glasses can be customized with prescription lenses to provide both vision correction and blue light protection. If you are unsure about this, please contact our team.

Can I wear blue light glasses outdoors?

While blue light glasses are primarily designed for indoor use, some blue light lenses also incorporate photochromic technology, which adjusts the lens tint based on light conditions. These lenses can provide blue light protection both indoors and outdoors, making them versatile for various environments.

Are all blue light glasses the same?

No, not all blue light glasses are the same. Different brands and models offer varying levels of blue light protection and design options. It's important to choose reputable lens brands like TruOptics, Essilor or ZEISS. And the same applies when purchasing ready-made blue block glasses like those on offer from Tom Ford, Saint Laurent, Gucci and Cartier. All our products are quality checked & come with warranties, so rest assured, when shopping at PRET A VOIR you're buying the best available products.

What else is blue light called?


People might refer to blue light using various terms and synonyms, especially when discussing its effects, sources, and protection.

Here are some alternative ways that someone might refer to blue light:

High-Energy Visible (HEV) Light: This term emphasizes the higher energy levels of blue light compared to other visible light wavelengths.

Digital Eye Strain Light: Referring to blue light as the cause of digital eye strain due to prolonged screen exposure.

Screen Light: Highlighting blue light emitted by digital screens, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets.

Artificial Light: Addressing blue light emitted by indoor lighting sources, including fluorescent and LED lights.

Device Light: Referring to the blue light emitted by electronic devices like smartphones, laptops, and TVs.

Sleep Disrupting Light: Emphasizing the potential impact of blue light on sleep patterns and circadian rhythms.

Retina-Affecting Light: Indicating the potential effects of blue light on the retina and retinal cells.

Visible Light Spectrum: Placing blue light within the spectrum of visible light that human eyes can perceive.

Digital Screen Emission: Highlighting the emission of blue light from digital screens during device use.

Visual Comfort Light: Referring to blue light's influence on visual comfort and clarity.

Remember that the context and focus of the discussion will influence the terminology used to refer to blue light. Different terms may be more appropriate depending on whether the conversation is centered around health, technology, eye protection, or other related topics.

For shopping online, the most commonly used terminology is 'blue light', 'blue control' or 'blue block'.

What is The Difference Between Blue Light & UV Light?

Blue light and UV light are both components of the electromagnetic spectrum, but they have distinct characteristics and effects on our eyes and overall health.

Blue Light: Blue light is part of the visible light spectrum and has a relatively short wavelength. It is emitted by various sources, including the sun, digital screens (like smartphones, computers, and TVs), and artificial lighting. Blue light has been a topic of concern due to its potential effects on eye health and sleep patterns. Prolonged exposure to blue light, especially from digital devices, has been associated with digital eye strain, headaches, disrupted sleep, and potential long-term retinal damage.

UV Light (Ultraviolet Light): UV light is divided into three categories based on wavelength: UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA and UVB are the types of UV light that primarily reach the Earth's surface. UV light is not visible to the human eye. Exposure to UV light, especially UVB, from the sun is a well-known risk factor for skin damage, including sunburn, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer. UV light is also a concern for eye health, as prolonged exposure to UV radiation can contribute to cataracts and other eye-related issues.

Key Differences:

1. Wavelength: Blue light falls within the visible light spectrum, while UV light is in the non-visible spectrum with shorter wavelengths.

2. Source: Blue light is emitted by both natural (sun) and artificial (screens, lighting) sources. UV light comes primarily from the sun.

3. Visible vs. Invisible: Blue light is visible to the human eye, whereas UV light is invisible.

4. Effects: Blue light is associated with digital eye strain and potential sleep disruption. UV light is known for its harmful effects on skin, causing sunburn and increasing the risk of skin cancer, as well as its potential impact on eye health.

5. Protection: Blue light glasses and coatings are designed to filter out a portion of harmful blue light. For UV protection, sunglasses with UV-blocking lenses are recommended to shield the eyes and skin from harmful UV rays.

In summary, while both blue light and UV light have distinct characteristics and effects, it's important to take precautions to protect your eyes and skin from prolonged exposure to both types of light. Using blue light glasses for screen time and wearing UV-blocking sunglasses when outdoors are proactive steps to safeguard your health and well-being.

Discover Enhanced Eye Protection with Essilor's Crizal Prevencia

In a digital age, where screens and artificial light dominate, Essilor presents Crizal Prevencia - a breakthrough shield against harmful blue light and modern visual stress. Crafted to filter blue-violet and UV rays, Prevencia goes beyond to enhance clarity and reduce eye strain.

Developed by one of the most prominent leaders in the field of vision solutions, Crizal Prevencia arises as a unique coating. Unlike standard blue light remedies, Crizal Prevencia goes beyond, offering holistic defence against the visual strains we face daily. With several advantages to Crizal Prevencia, your eye protection will elevate beyond the ordinary.
Embrace advanced eye protection and discover more on our Crizal Prevencia page.

Elevating Eye Wellness with ZEISS BlueGuard: Defending Against Digital Strain

Presenting: ZEISS BlueGuard, an innovative response from ZEISS, a renowned leader in optical advancements, to counter the impact of modern digital life. ZEISS BlueGuard introduces a breakthrough shield coating against harmful blue light, revolutionising the approach to digital eye strain and visual wellness. This specialised technology is tailored to combat the blue-violet light emitted by screens and artificial lighting. Acting as a protective barrier, this shield also maintains optimal visual quality.

This technology exemplifies ZEISS's commitment to optical innovation by addressing the challenges posed by digital screens and promoting balanced visual comfort.
By choosing ZEISS BlueGuard, you're committing to balanced visual experiences and the long-term well-being of your eyes. ZEISS, a prominent and globally recognised name in the field of optics of precision and technology, can offer several benefits with their BlueGuard coating. With ZEISS, you're not just choosing a product; you're selecting a legacy of optical excellence that expands decades. Find out more about the ZEISS brand. 

Elevate Style & Eye Comfort with Tom Ford's Blue Light Glasses

Tom Ford, a name synonymous with luxury and fashion, has extended its expertise to the realm of eye care with a captivating range of blue light glasses. As digital devices become integral in our lives, the need for protective eyewear that combines functionality with style is more significant than ever.


Tom Ford's Blue Light Glasses Collection:

Tom Ford's blue light glasses collection is a testament to the brand's commitment to innovation and elegance. Blending style, quality, and functionality, Tom Ford's blue light frames are meticulously crafted to address the modern challenges posed by prolonged screen time, ensuring that eye protection doesn't come at the expense of fashion. Renowned for luxury fashion, Tom Ford brings signature elegance to eyewear. The brand's blue light glasses are perfect for fashion enthusiasts seeking eye comfort and a sophisticated look.


In some of our product images, it may look like the inside temple is blue - this is not the case - this is due to the blue block technology in the lens. When we photograph the product for our site, the blue control coating reflects onto the acetate, giving the illusion that the frame is blue. We recommend you use our 360 view to fully rotate the Tom Ford frame to assess the colour of the glasses.

Please note that the blue light control feature is included by default in Tom Ford's assortment of blue block frames. Therefore, if you intend to incorporate a prescription lens into any of these models, it is necessary to opt for a blue-block coating in addition to choosing a personalised prescription lens from our selection of lens providers: TruOptics, Essilor, or ZEISS. 

Kering's Blue and Beyond: A Forward-Thinking Approach to Eyewear


Kering Eyewear's Blue & Beyond project introduces an exclusive collection of blue light and photochromic UV protection glasses bearing the esteemed signatures of iconic brands like Gucci, Cartier, Saint Laurent, Montblanc, Chloé, and Dunhill. Find out more about the king of eyewear - Kering. 


Breaking new ground in the luxury eyewear industry, the Blue & Beyond project harmoniously merges high-end, iconic frames with lenses that epitomize dual innovation. These lenses are meticulously designed to combat intense eyestrain encountered indoors and outdoors, creating a revolutionary solution for modern visual challenges.


The hallmark of this product lies in its unprecedented amalgamation of distinctive style and intelligent lens technology. Featuring a pioneering combination of elegant designs and intelligent lens craftsmanship, the lenses are engineered with a blue-light-filtering treatment enhanced by photochromic technology.


This innovation serves a dual purpose: it minimizes the detrimental effects of high-energy light emanating from digital devices while offering protection against sunlight by transitioning to a darker shade.


Blue Light Reduction Coating Unveiled:

Indoor usage boasts the clarity of the clear state, effectively absorbing blue light (380-500nm) to an impressive range of 26% to 45%. Stepping into outdoor environments, the lenses respond by deepening their blue light reduction efficacy, propelled by the power of photochromic technology. Outdoors, the blue light reduction escalates to a remarkable minimum of 70%, ensuring comprehensive eye protection in various lighting conditions.


The Blue & Beyond project by Kering Eyewear not only bridges the gap between fashion and technology but redefines it. This exceptional fusion exemplifies Kering Eyewear's dedication to pioneering solutions that cater to the ever-evolving demands of contemporary lifestyles. With the Blue & Beyond collection, you not only adorn yourself with sophistication but also embrace cutting-edge innovation that truly enhances your visual well-being.

Find out more about the key features & benefits of Kering's Blue & Beyond by visiting our Blue & Beyond collection.


Sustainable Innovation in Eyewear:

Kering's Blue and Beyond takes a holistic approach to sustainability, recognizing that luxury and responsible practices can coexist. By prioritizing eco-friendly materials, reducing waste, and incorporating ethical manufacturing processes, Kering demonstrates its dedication to minimizing the environmental impact of its eyewear offerings.

Choosing Blue and Beyond:

Opting for Kering's Blue and Beyond eyewear signifies a conscious choice for superior eye protection, innovative lens technology, and sustainable practices. To explore this collection, visit authorized Kering eyewear retailers or boutiques, where you can discover the fusion of style, function, and environmental responsibility that defines Blue and Beyond.

Kering's Blue and Beyond initiative encapsulates the brand's dedication to crafting eyewear solutions that go beyond conventional offerings. This forward-thinking approach embraces technology, sustainability, and style, creating a harmonious blend that reflects Kering's commitment to pushing boundaries and shaping the future of eyewear.


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